18 Mar 2022
Stamping Out Misogyny - one lower back at a time!
In support of the bill to make misogyny a hate crime in the UK, Don’t Panic is helping women across the land to reclaim their bodies by creating a “Stamp Out Misogyny” temporary lower back tattoo.The resurgence in 00s fashion in recent times has seen trousers grow ever baggier, and while the full-denim tuxedo is mercifully yet to make a comeback, the lower back tatt is now once again seeing the light of day. However, it’s still often referred to using sexist language such as “tramp stamp” or “slag tag”, which goes to show how to this day, women are harshly judged for their choices, especially when it comes to what they do with their own bodies.That’s why our “Stamp Out Misogyny” temporary tatts, made in collaboration with emerging tattoo artist, Taya Rose Franco, aim to subvert this. As Georgia Stephenson, creative at Don’t Panic, observes, “Whether it’s mindlessly using words like ‘tramp stamp’ or making assumptions about a woman’s character based on her appearance - hopefully the ‘Stamp Out Misogyny’ tattoos can unpick some of that language and those views.”If the bill is passed, it’ll extend legislation to cover crimes motivated by someone’s gender, as is already the case with discrimination against someone’s race, disability or religion, as well as homophobia and transphobia. While we’re aware a novelty tattoo is unlikely to do that alone, it should raise awareness of the bill, as well as highlighting an area of misogyny that isn’t often spoken about.So, if you’d like to Stamp Out Misogyny by grabbing a tatt of your own, please email olivia@dontpaniclondon.com - but get cracking, as they’ll only be available while stocks last!

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